The importance of gut health

By Leah McGee on 25th Oct 2019

Gut health is important for a multitude of reasons, and yet it is so easy to take advantage of on a day-to-day basis. It is hidden from the human eye, and yet nearly impossible to determine its integrity until you’re left feeling, well, crappy.

Common symptoms of poor gut health include gas, pain, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, and much more. All of these symptoms are easily understood and may cause one to pay closer attention to dietary habits. Still, gut health is important for more! It is involved in immune, mental, and emotional functions.

For example, while one’s mood may be compromised in social settings from having to hold in painful gas, one may feel similarly following a poor diet since 95% of the body’s serotonin, the neurotransmitter responsible for the sense of well-being and happiness in the body is located in the digestive system. In fact, the gut has a nervous system all on its own and communicates constantly within the body. It creates hormones, is involved in energy metabolism, fighting disease, and does so autonomously, without conscious awareness.

It’s safe to say that we often do not consider the importance of gut health for the reason that we aren’t aware of it, but we should be. Join Nourished Routes in a “Beer Workout” on November 21st at Jackalope Brewery (The Ranch), from 6-8 pm to learn more about gut health and give it a proper celebration for all that it does! The nutrition mini-lecture will be followed by a core workout, Q&A, craft beer, and giveaways. Leah will also be hosting a workshop at the Nashville Winter Wellness Fest on January 18th.

Leah McGee is a Registered Dietitian and co-founder of Nourished Routes; a company which aims to enrich your lifestyle with useful experience and education. When it comes to providing nutrition therapy, Nourished Routes believes in a whole foods approach, 100% transparency with clients and applying evidenced-based information.

Their Registered Dietitians create individualized nutrition and activity plans that are personalized to your lifestyle and needs. Some of their nutrition services include nutrition counseling, meal prep, corporate wellness lectures/lunch and learns, and much more. They’re based in Nashville, TN, but work all over the United States with our community. Check out their website at for more information.


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