Self-love through CBD, Wine, and Yoga

By Lauren Gustafson on 12th Mar 2021

In the era of quarantine, self-care and self-love have never been more important. During the week of March 15th last year (the infamous week when Covid-19 was first declared a pandemic), there was a 78% increase in all anti-depressant, anti-anxiety and anti-insomnia prescriptions. Many of the societal rituals and activities we have taken for granted were destroyed in the wake of the virus.

As time wore on in quarantine, we began to realize how important our socialization with others really was. As gyms remained closed or felt scary to enter, we began to realize the important role that moving our body plays in our happiness. Finally, as we lost our ability to gather at the watering hole of our choice or celebrate in the homes of our loved ones, we realized how sacred a glass of wine with a friend can be.

To help combat this, I’ve been working on practicing my yoga with friends, instead of alone. I partnered with FNB Live—a virtual events company founded by food and beverage professionals furloughed during the pandemic—to co-create ‘Health is Wealth’ happy hours. Each event is a space where we can gather over Zoom, have a glass of wine, and take some CBD to help silence the commotion of the day and the world around us.

For a moment, we’re able to strengthen each other’s resolve through a little bit of exercise, some relaxing supplements, and just the right amount of inebriation for some fun conversation. And because it’s virtual, people from all over the country can come together and connect from the safety and comfort of their homes.

CBD has the additional benefit of having anxiolytic (or anti-anxiety) properties of its own as well and has always been a self-care routine that has been a tremendous help for me during this time in its own right.

Taking the time to focus on myself, my body, and my needs has made a massive difference in how I view this time that I’m in. I’m not trapped at home, alone and unable to do anything anymore. I’m able to see those who matter to me and to do the things I used to be able to do back when everything felt a bit more normal.

To learn more about CBD and wellness, feel free to chat with Lauren at Perfect Plant Co. Nashville, Tennessee’s premier Hemp dispensary and CBD store. You can visit in person, on the phone or online: 1333 7th Avenue North, Nashville, 615-339-7907;

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