Love is in the air, and at pretty much every corner you turn during the month of February. Every store that you visit this month will bombard you with hearts, perfect gifts, flowers, and lovey-dovey cards. And you can see people actually buying these gifts, no matter how much they cost. A total estimated amount of $21.8 Billion was spent by US citizens on Valentine’s Day in 2021, as shown by NRF.
If you are single or just out of a relationship, February can seem like it is out to get you. When you see people making plans and buying red roses, it’s a reminder that you are alone. Sometimes the thought of spending Valentine’s Day alone can make you do all sorts of things, like making plans with your ex – resist!
In trying to avoid the discomfort of being alone, you may just end up doing something you regret. Pure Living Nashville lists four steps to be mentally strong this Valentine’s Day and survive being alone on this day.
Step 1 – Do Not Idealize Your Past Relationships
Valentine’s Day can make you look at the past with rose-colored glasses. You may remember all the times you had fun with your ex and completely forget about the problems in your relationship. Your emotions are on the surface during this day, and this will only cloud your judgment when you are recollecting past relationships. Glossing over the romantic Valentine’s date that you had with your ex is not going to help; it will just make you feel worse. Remember the reason why you are no longer together and avoid glamorizing your relationship, as per The Conversation. Focus on yourself instead. Do something that you have never done before. Not only is it a new experience, but it will also help build your confidence.
Step 2 – Go Treat Yourself
Whether it is going for dinner with your friends or staying in and enjoying a bubble bath, treat yourself this Valentine’s Day – you so deserve it! Invite your friends over and have a fun movie night with buttery popcorn in one hand and wine in the other. You can even spend the evening alone lying in bed in your comfortable pajamas, with your favorite book for company, mentions Clever Girl Finance. Whatever you do, ensure that it makes you feel good.
Also, consider “going big” for yourself. Take that bucket list trip you’ve been dreaming about, or maybe even invest in furthering your education by taking online coursework leading to a degree. Whether you’re ready to learn about coding or gain the skills to build an entrepreneurial venture, attaining a college-level degree remotely offers convenience and flexibility. It’s also very affordable these days and can be much less than attending in-person classes at a traditional campus.
Step 3 – Make a Plan for Valentine’s Day
The best way to reduce stress and be happy on Valentine’s Day is to make a concrete plan. When you have a plan in place, you will not spend the days leading up to Valentine’s Day getting anxious and stressed. Instead of sitting at home and watching romantic sitcoms, make a plan to head out of your home and do something productive. For example, you might use the day to give your pet a little extra attention. Take them on a long walk, head to the local dog park, or incorporate your pet into some fun Valentine’s Day crafts. Another option is to spend Valentine’s Day at an old age home or children’s home. By choosing to do a fulfilling activity, you will be feeling good about yourself instead of getting depressed.
Step 4 – Avoid a Pity Party at All Costs
It is perfectly normal to feel sad or lonely on Valentine’s Day when you are single. However, it is important that you draw the line at wallowing. Research has proven that engaging in self-pity is bad for your health. A study in Finland found that people with high levels of hopelessness had a 20 per cent higher chance of blockages in their blood vessels. Self-pity also makes you think all kinds of negative thoughts. This is why it is important to understand that while being single on Valentine’s Day may be uncomfortable, it is not the end of your life. Every single time the feeling of self-pity comes up, consciously think about all the good things in your life.
Use these steps to boost your mental strength when you feel alone this Valentine’s Day!